A Study into the Carcassi Guitar Method in Terms of Content

Keywords: Matteo Carcassi, Guitar Methods, Guitar Education, Method Analysis


The aim of this study is to investigate the “Carcassi Guitar Method” in terms of content. The research has a descriptive design based on the document analysis model, one of the qualitative research methods. Within the scope of the research, the edition of Matteo Carcassi’s guitar method, the original name of which was “Methode Complete pour La Guitarre”, named “Carcassi Method for the Guitar”, published by Oliver Ditson Company with the editorship of G.C. Santisteban, was obtained, and the 12 parts of the method and the subjects included in the chapters were examined by documentary scanning method. As result of the research; It has been revealed that the content of the method includes scales, cadences, etudes and pieces in all tones, exercises related to the subject are included in all parts of the method, on the other hand, the method is far from being a source of repertory due to the low number of pieces in the content.

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How to Cite
Ceviz, B. (2023). A Study into the Carcassi Guitar Method in Terms of Content. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 11(S1-July), 202-207. https://doi.org/10.34293/education.v11iS1-July.6179