Evaluations of Class Teachers on Language, School Adaptation and Other Social Skills of Foreign National Children

  • Emre Çalışkan Ministry of National Education, Turkey
Keywords: Foreign Students,, Skills, Opinions


Considering it is important to what level foreign children who are included in the education system have some different skills in the educational environment, it is aimed to examine the opinions of teachers about the language, school adaptation and social skills of foreign children. In the research, qualitative research method depending on the situation pattern was used and the opinions of 20 classroom teachers on various skills of foreign children were taken. Interviews were conducted through a semi-structured interview form, and direct quotations were included in the study. Expert opinions on the relevant measurement tool were received and five questions were asked within the scope of the research. 20 classroom teachers working in primary schools in Antalya province were determined according to the criterion sampling method. Content analysis method was used in the analysis of the data. Content analysis; coding of the data, finding the themes, arranging the codes and themes, defining and interpreting the findings took place in four stages. According to the results of the research, most of the teachers stated that they saw themselves as inadequate in developing the social skills of foreign students. For this reason, it is recommended that all teachers be given in-service training on improving the social skills of foreign students. Teachers stated that they felt alone in the process of developing social skills of foreign students and that they did not know enough what to do. For this reason, it has been found important to provide the support of various institutions, organizations and individuals to teachers in this process. Teachers stated that the most important factor that negatively affects foreign students’ language, school adaptation and social skills is not knowing Turkish. For this reason, it has been stated that in order to improve the social skills of foreign students, it is necessary to teach Turkish to all foreign students first, and then move on to other skills training.

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How to Cite
Çalışkan, E. (2023). Evaluations of Class Teachers on Language, School Adaptation and Other Social Skills of Foreign National Children. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 11(S1-July), 259-267. https://doi.org/10.34293/education.v11iS1-July.6488