The Impact on Regional Dynamics and Guarantee Systems of Promoting Balanced Development in Compulsory Education across Shaanxi Province, China

  • Tianyi Cao Rajamangala University of Technology, Thailand
  • Supot Rattanapun Rajamangala University of Technology, Thailand
  • Tubagus Darodjat Rajamangala University of Technology, Thailand
  • Alan White Rajamangala University of Technology, Thailand
Keywords: Regional Dynamics, Guarantee Systems of Promoting, Balanced Development, Compulsory Education, Equality, Quality Education


This research is a mixed-methods study that investigates the relationship between guarantee systems, regional dynamics, and educational equity in Shaanxi Province, focusing on the urban rural education gap. The primary objective is to identify factors contributing to educational disparities and evaluate the effectiveness of existing policies aimed at promoting balanced educational development. The methodology involved questionnaires with a sample size of 466 persons, including 160 educators, 80 parents, and 160 students. Participants were selected through stratified sampling to ensure representation from both urban and rural areas. Reliability analysis, correlation analysis, and regression analysis are used to analyze the data. The results show that at the level of 0.01, regional dynamics has a positive impact on the education guarantee system (0.704), at the level of 0.01, the education guarantee system has a positive impact on the promotion of balanced development (0.672), and at the level of 0.01, regional dynamics has a positive impact on the promotion of balanced development (0.691). The research highlights the need for policymakers to enhance community involvement and tailor educational programs to the unique challenges faced by underdeveloped areas. By doing so, the study aims to contribute to improved educational equity and quality in Shaanxi Province, ensuring that all students have access to the resources and support necessary for their academic success.

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How to Cite
Cao, T., Rattanapun, S., Darodjat, T., & White, A. (2025). The Impact on Regional Dynamics and Guarantee Systems of Promoting Balanced Development in Compulsory Education across Shaanxi Province, China. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 13(S1-Feb), 9-18.