The Influence of Key Stressors and Support Systems on Student Behavior and Psychological Well-being in Kunming’s Urban Primary Schools

  • Na Liu Rajamangala University of Technology, Thailand
  • Supot Rattanapun Rajamangala University of Technology, Thailand
  • Tubagus Darodjat Rajamangala University of Technology, Thailand
  • Alan White Rajamangala University of Technology, Thailand
Keywords: Key Stressor, Support System, Good Health, Wellbeing, Education Quality


This study was to investigate the effects of key stressors and support systems on the behavior and mental health of primary school students in Kunming, Yunnan Province. In this study, 388 students from 5 schools were investigated by quantitative, random sampling and questionnaire survey. Data were collected and analyzed using descriptive and regression analyses. The results showed that stressors had a positive impact on the support system (R2 =0.734), and the support system had a significant impact on the behavior and mental health of primary school students (R2 = 382 =0.825). Stressors had positive effects on the behavior and mental health of primary school students (R2 =0.719), and the significance level was 0.05. These findings reinforce the importance of support systems in mitigating the negative impact of stressors on students and highlight the need for targeted mental health interventions in educational settings as well as optimizing the educational process. In line with sustainable development goals to continuously promote health and quality education for students, this study provides insights into development strategies to improve mental health and education quality in primary schools.

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How to Cite
Liu, N., Rattanapun, S., Darodjat, T., & White, A. (2025). The Influence of Key Stressors and Support Systems on Student Behavior and Psychological Well-being in Kunming’s Urban Primary Schools. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 13(S1-Feb), 38-46.