‘Effectiveness of Government Expenditure on Education- Issues and Challenges’- A Case Study

  • Mrs Thangamani Associate Professor Department of Economics, NDA, Pune
Keywords: Education, economic development-Tribal population


Education forms an important component in the overall development of individuals, enabling them to greater awareness, better comprehension of their social, political and cultural environment and also facilitating in the improvement of their socio-economic conditions. These hold true in the case of the Scheduled Tribes in India. But now the things are changing fast. The whole world as also India has set in the motion the forces of globalization, liberalization and privatization. Market is fast replacing the ‘WelfareState’. Competition has become the order of the day. The Reservation Policy of the State that did help the scheduled tribe to secure socio-economic mobility and upliftment is fast eroding. Under such circumstances, what will be the future of scheduled tribe in general and those in rural areas without access to land, capital, other types of skills etc. in particular? The task is indeed formidable. I therefore would take liberty to suggest a few things as a matter of agenda relating to the scheduled tribe education. This is because I am fully convinced that in the midst of all sorts of inequalities and changing scenario, it is only the higher education that would act as the surest and soundest key to the scheduled tribe. The present study is  conducted in the Thalavadi District of Tamil Nadu in India. Tamil Nadu is one of the major states in southern India; According to the census of 2001, the scheduled Tribe population in Tamil Nadu is 651,321, constituting 1.0 percent of the total population. Even in 21st century, Tribals are still facing the problems of hunger, malnutrition, poverty, poor literacy, poor health facility and deprivation from basic amenities. A number of developmental activities intended for protecting the tribal‟s from exploitation and meant for helping them to further their socio-economic development have not yielded fruitful results as expected. This may be due to many reasons. The Anthropologists have studied the sociocultural system and taboos of the tribal‟s and have produced volumes of literature. There are a few studies made particularly in Tamil Nadu by the government agencies This paper examines the essence of education of scheduled tribe population –a case study. it consists of three sections (a) the educational expenditure of India in relation to other countries of the world (b) Schemes and Programmes for Education of Scheduled Tribes (c) explains educational conditions of the tribal area as a case study. 

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How to Cite
Thangamani, M. (2017). ‘Effectiveness of Government Expenditure on Education- Issues and Challenges’- A Case Study. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 5(2), 26-32. Retrieved from https://shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/education/article/view/2717