A Study on Job Stress and Social Intelligence Among School Teachers in Vellore District

  • M Amulu M.Ed Student GRT College of Education
  • P Karnan Assistant Professor in Education GRT College of Education
Keywords: Job stress, Social intelligence Gender, Type of Management, Teaching year of Experience


ial intelligence among school teachers in vellore distract. The study adopted survey method of research participants. Were 180 school Teachers randomly selected from different schools in vellore district. The research instrument used for data collection was: Job Stress Scale - standardized by Meena Buddisagar Rathod et al and Social Intelligence Scale - standardized by Dr.Stephen Paul tested at 0.05 & 0.01 level of significance. The findings indicated that there is a positive relationship among Job Stress and Social Intelligence among school teachers and it is found that the level of Job stress and social among school teachers is moderate in nature. There is no significant different between job stress with respect to Gender, Type of management, Teaching year of experience. There exist significant difference between job stress and social Intelligence with respect to Designation, Name of the school, and it is also found the analysis that there exists a positive relationship among job stress and social intelligence among school teachers.

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How to Cite
Amulu, M., & Karnan, P. (2017). A Study on Job Stress and Social Intelligence Among School Teachers in Vellore District. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 5(2), 33-39. Retrieved from https://shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/education/article/view/2718