Scientific Attitude and Academic Achievement of Secondary School Students in Coimbatore District

  • G Shanthi Assistant Professor in Biological Science, Dr.SNS College of Education, Coimbatore
Keywords: Attitude, Science, Scientific Attitude, Secondary level


The attitudes are changed in various situations. The person having scientific attitude feels easy to adjust in scattered society in comparison to other people. He can become helpful to maintain peace to other people, and as well as the nation can progress smoothly. We face many problems like pollution, population explosion, lack of energy, unemployment; poverty etc. Education is the weapon which can never fail in solving such problems. Scientific attitude can be cultivated by science education. Scientific attitude is necessary for progress of the nation. Scientific attitude helps an individual to develop vision for better life, to make life meaningful and teaches him to do all work systematically. Scientific attitude is like a foundation for all the fields of life so this must be attended. Evaluation is a process which can change the teaching techniques. Evaluation presents the true position of students and also propriety of teaching process. If we want to think for developing scientific attitudes in students, we also should know the level of scientific attitudes in them. So the researcher has selected this subject for research. 

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How to Cite
Shanthi, G. (2014). Scientific Attitude and Academic Achievement of Secondary School Students in Coimbatore District. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 2(2), 1-7. Retrieved from