Using Memes in the Language Classroom

  • Nurda Karadeniz Kayali Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey,
  • Aslı Altuntaş Turkey
Keywords: Memes, Vocabulary, Language learning, Language teaching


Teaching vocabulary is a big challenge for teachers, and also a huge difficulty for students is to remember the vocabulary items. The main purpose of this study is to create an enjoyable learning and teaching environment to help students revise certain vocabulary items and make students have fun by being creative. In that, memes are trendy phenomena which are both entertaining and creative way of expressing one’s feelings on one topic. In this study, memes were used for vocabulary revision. To see its effect on vocabulary recall, a quiz was conducted before and after the experiment. To determine its effect on students’ opinions, a feedback form was also applied after the experiment. The results show that the use of memes affected the vocabulary recall of the Medicine students positively. Therefore, they could be used as one of the strategies to create an innovative learning and teaching process.

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How to Cite
Karadeniz Kayali, N., & Altuntaş, A. (2021). Using Memes in the Language Classroom. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 9(3), 155-160.