Psycho-Social Variables of Elementary School Children with Reading Difficulties in Relation to their Academic Achievement

  • G Lokanadha Reddy Professor and Dean, School of Education and HRD, Dravidian University, Kuppam.
  • Bindu David Doctoral Fellow, Department of Education, Alagappa University, Karaikudi
  • G Susmitha School Teacher, Kishore Public School, Tanakallu (P & M), Anantapur


Reading is an integral part of language system and is closely linked to oral language and writing. Without the ability to read, the opportunities for academic and occupational success are limited. This article helps to understand the psychosocial correlates of reading disability. Some students may refuse to even try a task due to fear or failure. Many learning disabled children have low feeling of Self worth due to academic failure, disappointment and frustration. The study conducted on 58 reading disabled children belonging to five Taluks of Kerala state. Reading Difficulties Diagnostic Test is used to collect data. The collected data were analysed using t-test, F-test and Product Moment Correlation (r). This article helps to understand what are reading disabilities, how they are identified, what are the associated psychosocial aspects of reading disabilities and in what way the parents and teachers can help these children to overcome this problem.

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How to Cite
Lokanadha Reddy, G., David, B., & Susmitha, G. (2013). Psycho-Social Variables of Elementary School Children with Reading Difficulties in Relation to their Academic Achievement. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 1(3), 1-15.