Awareness of Medicinal Plants Among the Post-Graduate Teachers of Biology in Trichy District, Tamilnadu, India

  • S Govindarajan Principal, Oxford College of Education, Trichirapalli
Keywords: Medicinal plants, Teachers, Biology and Awareness


The plants that possess therapeutic properties or exert beneficial pharmacological effects on the animal body are generally designated as “Medicinal Plants”. The present study is to identify medicinal plants in India. To develop a tool for ascertaining awareness of P.G Teachers of Biology about Medicinal plants and to find out awareness level of P.G Teachers of Biology a medicinal plants in India. The stratified random sampling technique was adopted for the present study. The investigator has randomly selected the all higher secondary schools in Trichy district. Fifty P.G Botany teachers are selected in Trichy district. The major findings from percentage analysis show that knowledge/ awareness of Medicinal plant is lacking among P.G Biology teachers of Trichy district, male teachers have more awareness about medicinal plants than that of female teachers. The result shows that rural teachers are more aware of medicinal plants than that of urban teachers. The finding shows that aided school teachers are more aware of medicinal plants than other school teachers. The present study elaborates the positive and effective implications of medicinal plants. This shows that awareness of medicinal plant should be exposed even to the layman of the society, so let us live for the nature, by the nature, of the nature.

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How to Cite
Govindarajan, S. (2013). Awareness of Medicinal Plants Among the Post-Graduate Teachers of Biology in Trichy District, Tamilnadu, India. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 1(2), 51-60. Retrieved from