Influence of Certain Strategies upon Teaching of Science at Upper Primary Level

  • C Manoharan Asst. Professor, Dept. of Education, Bharathiyar University, Coimbatore


Media contribute to the educational enterprise as (i) aids to learning and instruction in the class room (ii) Media in education enrich, motivate and demonstrate a point precisely (Cay 1983) Media are also seen by educators as aids rather than substitutes for the teacher (Goetz 1986). Kulkarni (1986) stated that media have broken the walls of classroom and taken over many of the functions of a class room teacher. Media make the process of class room communication more effective and meaningful. According to Husker (1994) media keeps learning in five ways. (a) media mean technology or machine (b) media as teachers or tutors (c) media as socializing agents (d) media as motives for (e) media in educational problem solving. Using of media in education results in increase of effectiveness of the process. New media such as tape recorders T.V video computer, video etc are influencing the present day students.

At different stages different type of media play vital roles. Different media and strategies of presentation are necessary for different learning out comes.

Media also cater to the individual differences of the learners. E.T. Media are suitable for group learning technique also.

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How to Cite
Manoharan, C. (2013). Influence of Certain Strategies upon Teaching of Science at Upper Primary Level. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 1(3), 50-60. Retrieved from