The Effectiveness of Using Language Arts in the English Language Curriculum to Teach Pronunciation and Vocabulary among Year One Students in One Semi Urban School in Malaysia
The English Language curriculum in Malaysia is using Language Arts to teach English. Language arts is a new component designed to create appreciation and enjoyment amongst pupils as they learn the language. This fun-filled and innovative section in the new English Curriculum is a great experience and used as well as a means to create confidence in pupils to use the language without inhibitions. The focus here is the use of language arts to teach pronunciation of words and understanding the meaning of the words better among the Year One students in a semi-urban school. Therefore the research has attempted to study the effectiveness of using songs to teach pronunciation and vocabulary among these students, as compared to using the traditional method, drilling, to teach pronunciation and vocabulary.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Ganesan Shanmugavelu, Malar Arasi RK Sundaram

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