Study on Scientific Attitude of B.Ed., Trainees in Perambalur District

  • P Rajendran Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Education, Tamil University, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, India
  • R Anandarasu Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Tamil University, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Attitude, Scientific Attitude, Science Teaching, Science, open-minded attitude, B.Ed trainees


The study was intended to find out the level of Scientific Attitude of B.Ed., trainees in the Perambalur district. This study involves a survey method. The size of the sample in the study was 941 B.Ed., trainees who were selected through the simple random sampling technique. The main objectives of the study are to find out the Scientific Attitude of B.Ed., trainees concerning the Demographic variables such as gender, year of study, locality of college, type of family. The Statistical procedures used in this study were; Mean, Standard Deviation, and’ test to analyze the data. The Major findings of the study were; i). The level of Scientific Attitude of B.Ed., Trainees, is average. ii) Female B.Ed., Trainees, is a significantly higher level of Scientific Attitude than the Male B.Ed., Trainees. iii) Second Year B.Ed., Trainees are a significantly higher level of Scientific Attitude than the First Year B.Ed., Trainees. iv) Urban B.Ed., Trainees, is a significantly higher level of Scientific Attitude than the Rural B.Ed., Trainees. v) Nuclear Family and Joint Family of B.Ed., Trainees, are having a similar level of Scientific Attitude. It’s my conclusion that the present study reveals that there is more number of B.Ed., Trainees have an average Scientific Attitude. 

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How to Cite
Rajendran, P., & Anandarasu, R. (2020). Study on Scientific Attitude of B.Ed., Trainees in Perambalur District. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 8(4), 105-110.