Content Analysis of OER: A Literature Review

  • M Elango Central University of Tamil Nadu, India
  • Karpaga Kumaravel Central University of Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Content Analysis, Open Educational Resources, Literature Reviews


Current paper reports the findings of a content analysis of Open Educational Resources. Twenty three studies were collected for the analysis. The studies were collected from different journals depending on open access policy. Every study was categorised by author, year of publication, title of the study, author characteristics and analysis. The analysis refers to the information about Open Educational Resources variables. Therefore the investigators categorize the research papers based on OER. An analysis of research papers was formed in conclusion and finalizing the common dimensions of content analysis of OER studies.

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How to Cite
Elango, M., & Kumaravel, K. (2022). Content Analysis of OER: A Literature Review. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 10(3), 61-70.