A Theoretical Framework of Six Sigma to Reduce the Drop-Out Rate among the Children in India: A Systematic Review

Keywords: Six Sigma Theory, Drop-Out Students, Quality Improvement, Zero Defects, DMIAC, Student Satisfaction


Quality education is a prerequisite and essence of human development. At present, India has improved a lot, but, in some cases, it still needs some improvement like retention and enrollment of students in education. The drop-out problem is a major in India. During this pandemic situation, drop-out problems become a significant issue. Researchers introduced a theory called the six sigma theory to reduce the rate of drop-out students. The goal of the six sigma theory is zero defects (zero drop-out), which means every student can learn or benefit from education and get motivated until the fulfilment of their needs. DMAIC is one of the pedagogical and instructional processes that helps reduce time and cost and retain students at school. The main aim of this framework developed by the researcher is. The researcher reviewed many research studies, and based on knowledge and critical Analysis, researcher developed this framework to satisfy students’ needs and retain them in school to achieve their goals. Therefore, the researcher has applied this methodological approach to reduce the drop-out rate in India.

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How to Cite
Pal, M. (2022). A Theoretical Framework of Six Sigma to Reduce the Drop-Out Rate among the Children in India: A Systematic Review. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 10(4), 115-119. https://doi.org/10.34293/education.v10i4.4963