Instrument-Playing Students’ Self-Concepts

Keywords: Self-concept, Music Education, Musical Instrument Education, Children Playing Instruments


Although the benefits of music have been known for many years, research on children’s educational achievements has intensified, especially recently. Self-concept is an essential criterion of success in education,known as an individual’s ideas and thoughts about himself are related to children’s behaviors and concrete characteristics. Self-concept is a concept that can be developed with education. The aim of this study, in which the self-concepts of 12-13-year-old instrument-playing students were tested, is to draw attention to the role of musical instrument education in the development of self-concept. The research was conducted with 7th-grade students studying in a public school in Ankara. The research results, which were applied to the students who played and did not play the instrument, were evaluated with the statistical program. As a result of the research, although there was no statistically significant result in the self-concept scores related to the time to start learning the instrument, it was concluded that students who play instruments and those who want to play have higher than others. In addition, it is anticipated that further long-term studies are required to monitor how the self-concept scores of children who play instruments develop over time.

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How to Cite
Demirel, S., & Terzioğlu, A. (2022). Instrument-Playing Students’ Self-Concepts. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 10(S1-Aug), 54-63.