Meaningful Learning among Under Graduate Student-Teachers

Keywords: Behaviour, Learning, Meaningful Learning, Pilot Study, Training, Teacher Education, Student-Teachers


Learning occupies a very important place in our life. Learning provides a key to the structure of our personality and behaviour. It occurs through listening, reading, observation and experiences.Meaningful learning involves continuous construction of new knowledge and interpretations with previous knowledge. In teacher education programme student-teachers apply various methods and techniques to learn meaningful. There for the aim of the study is to find out the meaningful leaning among undergraduate student-teachers. The investigator applied survey method to collect the meaningful learning behaviour. The size of the sample of the study is 100 second year undergraduate student-teachers from Pondicherry district,among them, 25 were male and 75 were female student-teachers. The data have been collected through administration of the tool-A Scale on Measuring Meaningful Learning of the Learners. The data have been analyzed through statistical techniques. The descriptive analysis shows that there is high meaningful leaning among student-teachers. The differential analysis shows that there is no significant difference between male and female as well as urban and rural student-teachers in their meaningful learning. ANOVA results also shows that there is no significant difference among second year undergraduate student-teachers in their meaningful learning with respect to education qualifications and native languages. This pilot study revealed that the second year undergraduate student-teachers are identical and they have same meaningful learning behavior.

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How to Cite
Ananda Kumar, A. (2023). Meaningful Learning among Under Graduate Student-Teachers. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 11(2), 74-82.