From Theory to Practice: Teaching English to Generation Z

Keywords: Genereation Z, Language Teaching, Global Competences


Language education evolves and is shaped by the needs of the generations as well as the contemporary realities of the world. Today, humanity faces with rapid developments and innovations in technology and science. These realities shape the society and each community in the world. In this regard, the term Generation Z (Gen Z) has emerged. Gen Z has its own dynamics and realities which, in turn, entails new issues in learning and teaching. It is not possible to implement classical and obsolete techniques and ways while teaching English to Gen Z. Current paper is an attempt to investigate the theoretical and practical issues of teaching English to Gen Z. The paper has a secondary focus on educating Gen Z towards future regarding global competences.

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How to Cite
Akdemir, A. S., & Akdemir, Öznur A. (2023). From Theory to Practice: Teaching English to Generation Z. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 12(1), 114-116.