The Impact of Overt Strategy Instruction in EFL Classrooms on Reading and Listening Achievement

Keywords: Listening/Reading Strategies, Overt Listening and Reading Strategy Instruction, Listening and Reading Achievement


Language learning strategies may have a key role in foreign language learning because they may foster learner autonomy and motivation. Keeping the learner-centred nature of language learning strategies in mind, this study set out to understand the impact of overt listening and reading strategy instruction on learners’ listening and reading achievement. The study employed an explanatory mixed-method research design. Research instruments were reading and listening achievement tests and semi-structured interviews. The treatment involved overt listening and reading strategy instruction that lasted for four weeks. The findings revealed that overt listening and reading strategy instruction fostered learners’ reading and listening achievement. Similarly, semi-structured interviews revealed that learners were willing to transfer the strategies they learned to new learning situations and keep using these strategies in future learning situations.

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How to Cite
Kahveci, P., & Tavil, Z. M. (2024). The Impact of Overt Strategy Instruction in EFL Classrooms on Reading and Listening Achievement. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 12(3), 18-28.