The Development of the Early Childhood Teacher’s Activity Ability using the Augmented Reality Storybook Set to Lessen Issues and Foster Resilience from Bullying for Early Childhood

  • Chanatip Bubpamas Phetchaburi Rajabhat University, Thailand
  • Varaporn Kaewyam Phetchaburi Rajabhat University, Thailand
  • Pornpun Pengpol Phetchaburi Rajabhat University, Thailand
  • Rachanee Nokthet Phetchaburi Rajabhat University, Thailand
  • Sukuma Uamcharoen Phetchaburi Rajabhat University, Thailand
Keywords: The Augmented Reality, Storybook Set, Activity Ability, Bully, Early Childhood


This research aims to (1) Develop of augmented reality storybook set to lessen issues and forster resilience from bullying for early childhood (2) Study the activity ability using the set of augmented reality storybook set for early childhood teachers (3) Compare the bullying behavior of early childhood before and after activities. The sample consisted of 9 teachers and 90 children. The research method is R&D divided into 4 steps: (1) Study and analysis of basic data, instruments are document analysis, interviews, and questionnaires. (2) Development of an augmented reality storybook set, instruments are an augmented reality storybook set and manual (3) Experiment, instruments is an plan and 4) Evaluate effectiveness, instruments are the ability assessment form and the behavior assessment. The statistics used for data analysis were content analysis, mean, standard deviation and t-test dependent. The research finding were as follows: (1) The augmented reality storybook set is a three-dimensional picture story that promotes the good words, non-violent force, reducing social bullying and foster resilience from bullying for early childhood (2)The ability of early childhood teachers in overall was at the high level (3) The bullying behavior of early childhood after learning was higher than before, with statistical significance at the 0.01 level.

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How to Cite
Bubpamas, C., Kaewyam, V., Pengpol, P., Nokthet, R., & Uamcharoen, S. (2024). The Development of the Early Childhood Teacher’s Activity Ability using the Augmented Reality Storybook Set to Lessen Issues and Foster Resilience from Bullying for Early Childhood. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 13(1), 23-32.