Using Film in Teacher Training: Opinions, Insights, and Recommendations

Keywords: Film in Teacher Training, Alternative Assessment, Foreign Language Teaching, Teacher Training, Assessment


Film has been widely used in teaching English as a Foreign Language (EFL). Film has also been used with teacher candidates of various subjects. Yet, the use of film with EFL teacher candidates is very scarce. Thus, the current study explores EFL teacher candidates’ opinions on using film, specifically as an assignment, employing a qualitative research design. The study was conducted with 38 EFL teacher candidates selected through convenience sampling and who were enrolled in a 4-year ELT program. Open-ended questions were administered to the participants to select their opinions on the use of film as an assignment, to find out the insights they have gained about the teaching profession, and suggestions for using film in EFL teacher training. The results were analyzed through thematic analysis and revealed that EFL teacher candidates had positive and favorable opinions on using film as part of an assignment because they could focus due to the questions provided, employ critical thinking, and though that it was an efficient assessment alternative. The insights they have gained about the teaching profession was the realization that teaching extends beyond the classroom, that it is compelling, and the possible impacts teachers can have on students. Among their suggestions of using film with EFL teacher candidates were suggestions related to teaching in general and suggestions focusing on the target language. It is hoped that the use of film suggested and the results of this study will contribute to a wider use of film with EFL teacher candidates.

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How to Cite
İpek, H. (2022). Using Film in Teacher Training: Opinions, Insights, and Recommendations. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 10(S1-Aug), 186-195.