The Development Process of a Coding Game Engine for Culture Transfer in Social Sciences Education: SIGUN

  • Zekeriya Fatih İneç Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education, Erzincan Binali Yıldırım University, Erzincan, Turkey
Keywords: Coding, Coding application, R2D2 instructional design model, Popular culture, Culture transfer, Social sciences


This study aimed to explain the development stages of an online coding application engine (SIGUN) according to the R2D2 instructional design model to support and develop cultural transfer in social sciences education and popularize the national culture. During the definition phase of R2D2, analyzes of needs, learner, task and content were made. In needs analysis, it was decided to develop a coding application that transfers national culture instead of transnational culture in coding education. In the analysis of learners, the coding skills of the students at different grades were examined through samples, and it was decided that SIGUN should be editable according to their developmental characteristics. It was planned to assign tasks to learners in task analysis and to fictionalize the tasks in the prototype through Dede Korkut stories in content analysis. In the design and development phase of R2D2, it was decided to create an online system choosing media and equipment. Subsequently, the design and development process of SIGUN was started creating a draft graphic design interface through determining the development environments. In this sense, a web-based coding engine was developed with various coding languages. The rapid prototype was analyzed for process evaluation as being equipped with national culture elements and thus, the final version was created. Due to its dynamic structure, SIGUNwas can be adapted for different developmental stages of children and popularized while transferring abstract and concrete cultural elements with animations.

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How to Cite
Fatih İneç, Z. (2021). The Development Process of a Coding Game Engine for Culture Transfer in Social Sciences Education: SIGUN. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 9(2), 102-107.