Mathematics Teachers’ Opinions on the Use of School Gardens in Lessons

Keywords: Mathematics Education, Out-Of School Learning, School Garden, Teachers’ Opinion


This study was conducted to determine the use of school gardens, one of the out-of-school learning environments, by elementary school mathematics teachers in their lessons. The case study method is a qualitative research method that allows a topic to be addressed in detail. It was preferred in this study in accordance with the purpose. 27 mathematics teachers working in MoNE secondary schools participated in the study conducted in the fall semester of the 2023-2024 academic year. In the study, a semi-structured interview form consisting of open-ended questions prepared with the aim of obtaining data on the use of school gardens in mathematics lessons was used as a data collection tool. Content analysis method was used to analyze the data obtained. The data obtained were given by creating categories and codes in the sections belonging to the sub-problems. At the end of the study, it was concluded that teachers mostly preferred and supported the use of the school garden in mathematics lessons, but they faced problems such as maintaining discipline, attracting student attention to the lesson, and having other lessons at the same time while using the school garden in their lessons. When teachers compared school gardens with other out-of-school learning environments, they reported more positive aspects of school gardens.

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How to Cite
Kalfaoğlu, M., & Hüseyin Aksu, H. (2024). Mathematics Teachers’ Opinions on the Use of School Gardens in Lessons. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 13(1), 1-10.